Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Holidays

Hello All!
  • The Rocks are doing great! We are so excited to visit all the family and friends that we can during the holidays. We have plans to spend Christmas Eve with The Rock family and Christmas day at our house with just the three of us in the morning and then my mom and Ken will hopefully be able to visit later in the day. Then Brandon has to work that Friday and Monday and we are leaving on Tuesday for California where we will party on with the Malone family and any friends I can get a hold of on Friday.
  • Chloie started crawling in the cutest way. She would put her head down and stick her bum in the air and try to push forward. I wish I could have caught her on tape because that only lasted a week and now she is everywhere. We got her a new Binky (picture below) and she spits out any other one now. It's way funny.
  • Happy Holidays and hope to see you next year. :)
  • Love The Rocks


Anonymous said...

Chloie is so cute! I can't wait to see her crawl. I'll bet she is tearing everything off the Christmas tree!

Anonymous said...

OMG! That binky rocks! (no pun intended - but come to think of it, that's doubly hilarious!) I cannot believe you really let her get used to THAT particular binky. She'll probably protest your choice of binky when she's older but hey, at least we all got a laugh out of it. I'm still busting a gut over it.

Becky and Ryan said...

That pacifier is a crack-up!