Monday, November 30, 2009

It's a BOY!!!!

We had a great Thanksgiving and all I could think about all weekend was this visit to the ultrasound! The baby is doing great. Due to be born April 12th. Brandon will be working out a name for a while but we will let everyone know the name when we know. We are so excited and happy for this little boy. Chloie gets to see her little cousin Emitt sometimes and she never wants to let him go. I'm hoping her feelings will carry on through to her new baby brother. I can't believe it's a BOY!!! Yeah! The ultrasound tech just got a tiny glance at the golden shot because he was crossing his ankles but she was defiantly sure. I have a lot of changes to make around here now that we know what to expect.


Mrs. Jones said...

I am so excited!!!!When I got the text message, I just could not stop smiling!!! I love you guys! I can't wait to see my beautiful baby surrogate nephew!!

laura s. said...

Yeah! I'm so happy for you guys! Boys are so much easier than girls, in almost every respect....

Does Brandon get to pick the name all by himself? Lucky guy!

If I'd left that to Spencer, we'd for sure have a "Merlin" by now. Oh the humanity!

Monica said...

Yay! Lucky you to have a girl and a boy from the start! I always think that's ideal just because you get a taste of both :) And I am so excited that our baby boys will be so close in age! They may even be born just days apart! Crazy! Congratulations :) I look forward to hearing the name you pick for your little guy.

Becky and Ryan said...

That's wonderful, Congratulations to you All!

Jill Land said...

Yay! A boy! Bring on the blue! Lucy's b-day is April 12th too!