Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Twice tagged

This is the fourth picture from my fourth folder in my pictures folder. This is Brandon and I in Mexico on our honeymoon. That is a virgin pina colada. :) Lindsey, Star and Jen you have been tagged. The goal is to open your picture folder and choose the fourth picture from the fourth folder and post it on your blog. :) good luck. I'll look forward to seeing it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsey tagged me with another challenge a few weeks ago so here is the other tag. 6 quirks of mine. 1. Even though I get slobbered on, I love it when my 6 month old daughter eats my face. 2. I love early mornings but I am not a morning person because I hate waking up and getting out of bed. 3. I have to at least rinse every dish that I use right when I am finished using it, even when I'm cooking, which is why it takes me twice as long to make a meal. 4. I space out while laying on a blanket in my back yard. 5. I like to color. 6. I read Robert Jordan books with my husband. Your turn: Star, Jen, Melisa, Denise, Heidi and Mom Write 6 quirks about yourself and ask 6 friends to write 6 about themselves.


Stjerne said...

OKay...I did it. That was fun!

hanesville said...

What a cute picture!